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A miracle

"A miracle... A miracle!"

The holy men watched a crack
like golden retrievers
reverent	pointing

A crack in the laws of biology
twisting the curvature of the earth
into a spinning vortex
cavernous	dizzying
like a dead fish.

A tiny red squirrel had become pregnant
and she was still a virgin.

They flipped completely
over the possible divine,
hugging and congratulating.
Clouds of sacred steam 
were rising.
Hot perfumed towels
were watching.

Holy men were talking to the animal,
"Your bath is ready."

The swollen squirrel,
bristling	wild
dirtier than the average
thought to herself,
"Don't mind if I do."

the buzzing of insects hounded a thousand crows.
oil/collage/mixed on paper, 20" x 28"


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